Although the dried beef sticks contain no artificial preservatives they can be stored for several months under the correct conditions. This is due to the curing process and the spices that are used in the preparation phase.
The most important rule is to keep the dried beef in a cool, well ventilated, fairly dry environment. Under these conditions the dried beef will store well and it is possible in dry environments to keep it for several months. Please remember that when stored out of the deep freezer the dried beef will continue to dry.
Never keep dried beef in sealed plastic containers, plastic packets or cling wrap, unless it is kept in a deep freezer. When removing the frozen dried beef from the freezer, remove it immediately from the plastic and use it within a few hours. Vacuum packing the dried beef before deep freezing would be the ultimate solution.
Moving the dried beef from a frozen environment to a warm environment causes the meat to sweat and introduces moisture to the meat even when vacuum packed. This will lead to mould forming on the meat. If not all of the frozen dried meat will be used, remove what will be used immediately and immediately return the rest of the dried meat to the freezer.
When stored in a cool, well ventilated fairly dry environment the dried beef will continue to dry. This can cause the surface to develop a dull whitish, layer on the surface. This is caused by the salt that is used in curing of the meat. This is not a cause for concern. The surface layer should not look fluffy.
Mould normally appears as a fluffy looking growth with intense white, or white, grey and or green spotting. This is not good!! If this happens do not eat the dried beef. Dispose of the dried beef immediately!!
Use Google to search – biltong mould to gather more more information.
Note: Not all the pictures shown are pictures of mouldy dried beef!